Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Memorable Guests

I have been saving this last post until the very end so each guest has a fair and equal shot. Working at an Inn that has been home to thousands of guests, I have had the opportunity of meeting a fair amount of (to put it nicely) interesting people. However, one guest stands out among the rest. This award goes to....(drum roll) guest X from Spain!

Let me give you a brief overview of this man.

He arrived with a bang. The entrance to the Fauzi is a small gate carved into the old stone walls. You have to stoop to enter, otherwise you hit your head on the overhanging stone. Naturally, he forgot to do that. As he made his way upstairs into the main salon area, he let out this huge sigh/moan/scream/exclamation and just sort of flopped over the main desk. He was quite sweaty and rugged - in a very unappealing way. His accent was so thick I could barely understand him. It took quite a few attempts for me to ask him to pay and present his passport to me.

However, unlike (normal) people who keep their money and passports in their bags or pockets, he kept his deep within his pants. So in order to access them, he literally unzipped his pants and sort of stripped right in front of me and my religious Muslim co-worker. He were a bit shocked and immediately averted our eyes. He was not at all abashed as he rummaged around within his pants for his papers. He dropped them onto the desk (keep in mind, his pants are still down) and I was incredibly hesitant to pick them up (understandably so). He just kept on chattering away.

The fun did not end there. After checking the guest in, we give them a map of an area and a little speech as to where they are what they can do in the city. It is a very informative and in-depth overview. He was so thrilled that he closed his eyes, put his hand to his heart and said, "I am so very grateful for this information. You have been such a wonderful help I just don't know what  I could do without you." He stayed for two days and every time he saw me, he would come up and thank me again, energetically.

To be fair, there were many other guests that came close - a major German creeper and a massive family from America (where all five kids matched and had names that began with 'A').

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